Reviewer’s Corner

  1. Review Criteria:
    1. Referees are advised to evaluate the Manuscript’s Novelty, Adherence to Journal Guidelines, Clarity of Writing, Accuracy of Data and Analysis, and Relevance of the Topic.
    1. The structural elements of the manuscript, including Title, Abstract, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Conclusion, Graphics/Tables, and Language Quality, should be reviewed thoroughly.
    1. Checklist
  2. Originality: Manuscripts should be original and contribute significantly to the respective field of research.
  3. Layout Format: The formatting of the manuscript must adhere to the Author Guidelines provided in the Journal’s website.  
  4. Language: The language used should be understandable for readers.
  5. Title: The article title should clearly reflect the content and purpose of the article.
  6. Abstract: The abstract must cover all mandatory aspects of the article and provide a concise summary.
  7. Methodology: Accuracy in data collection and reporting is essential. Detailed presentation of new methodologies, if used is required.
  8. Statistical Error: Careful attention should be paid to common statistical errors to ensure accuracy in data analysis.
  9. Graphics and Tables: Tables and graphics should follow a uniform format throughout the article and accurately represent the data.
  10. Results: Clearly state the results obtained from the research.
  11. Conclusion/Discussion: Ensure consistency between findings and author expectations. Claims made should be reasonable and supported by results.